dimanche 25 octobre 2009

My poems

All of them are written by me, look in the internet and see, if you find someone using them in a website called : ANIMEOSTS.NET it's me yakumo-ai ...
1st one : If only i know ...

If I know how to draw
I would draw your beautiful face
In a sky strewed by stars
To give it to you as a present.

If I know how to make music
I'll write a fairy song
Cherish your tender heart
And bring you happiness!

If I know how to sculpt
I'll make the statue of love
With your face on it forever
And will always be beside me

I just know how to write poems
I write them for you by my soul
Forever you'll have them
Never forget them

My love I love you

2nd one : I want to tell you

I want to tell you my heart secrets
And just put my forefinger on your lips.
I want to tell you that your smiles
Carry me away in the softest delights.
To an unknown landscapes
That I discovered with you and your love.
Taste of our desires resonates in me
Like I'm under a waterfall of pleasure

My eyes in yours, I want to confess
All those forbidden murmurs of my dreams
Those we don't tell to anyone, too soft to blush
Which will capsize you with Happiness.
I want to whisper to the infinite”I love you”
Then you won't dare say:”I don't believe you”
Every second I think of you
And passion bring us closer and closer

My love is growing stronger and stronger
Every moment, every breath.
When I feel that you think of me,
I have like a shiver of pleasure slip into me.
Thank you my love for everything you are,
For all love you feel for me.
Thank you to be there for me, to cheer me.
Ô my heart is so happy ...
With you my love !

3rd one : Far away ...

From far my eyes contemplated you,
As a ray transcending the sky,
My heart in my chest felt for you,
With my will I stretch my hands
But my eyes still want to cry ...

A tear fallen from my cheek,
To water my lonely heart,
Needing your love call,
But void between our souls is so huge
That sound dies on its emptiness ...

Freezing without your love,
My heart is waiting for your warm arms,
To deliver it from melancholy and suffering of fate,
Fate which made your way parallel to mine
But Far away that our hearts never join ...

4th : When love wings are broken ...

It's hard to fly again,
Wings are smashed and broken
There's no remedy to heal
It's hard to burn again.
Love is an inner fire
When it's out ...
There's no more embrace.
More hard to resurrect the flame
When it's dead
In a pedestal I'll venerate you.
I gave you everything,
But time passed
Melancholy came again
The dream ended
Then I'll follow another destiny
My angel of happiness
Why you broke my heart
Now I can't be a divinity

5th : My moon, my love

In a sweet and lovely night
Sky was singing a melody ...
All stars was shining and bright
My heart was happy, dancing in serenity.

Every star said "I love you my beauty"
And said "I'll miss you" with fallen tears ...
You were my azure majesty
Your rays lit up my midsummer night's dreams.

My wish was to feel your affection
Your lips said angelic words...
Words which made me fly to heaven
Your eyes were my wings, made by emeralds

I felt your love as a universe of feelings
But ... now you left my sky ...
Alone, without you am heartless
Now my night is dark, and all stars die.

6th : Destiny

Destiny called you with a gentle zephyr
Opening my heart, I felt your love so deep
Only you was the reason to close my eyes
Meant to see you in my dreams where ...
Eternity was infinite, suddenly ...
Darkness wanted to change our fate.

Days passed without your enchanting melody
Every minute, every second ...
Sadness screams inside me
Telling me to cry, fall and die
I wanted to hug you again
Not the flower I brought to your grave
Yet this is my doomed destiny!

7th : Petal of time.

I was lying on the ground
Under the sky, but not alone
You were always by my side
Chasing my weaknesses and despair
Around us a green fantasy
Where all colors dance for you
Blue, red, yellow, and white
A petal was falling, slowly hugging the wind
Following it made me reach your eyes
Deep sweet ocean, hypnotizes me,
Softened by pink cheeks ...
And a smile,
Brining all angels from heaven where ...
I don't want to go ...
My heaven is with you, my angel
My time stop, like a new life ...
Oh! The petal reached the ground
But the moment with my love is eternal

8th : the endless ways

It was a cold night
When I felt this emptiness
It shattered my feelings garden
Into pieces, I cried in darkness
Infinite night, fearless of black
I was walking, to an end ...
No one to hold the lonely hand
Exiled, with inner screams.
No way to come back,
Even sun left its light,
Even moon had tears.
I though I was the moon,
Lit by your rays, but ...
It's painful to wake up from
A dream, then open eyes,
Reality hides behind us,
As a road of regrets...
I saw it, the endless ways
You are the one I seek
Hold my hand and take me away
I can't sleep anymore,
My mind is distorted,
You broke it as a mirror
Endless visions from the past
Yes I have to stop illusions,
I accept my fate and follow ...
An endless way of despair

9th : One broken wing

Followed a path of illusions
Felt the flame of the phoenix
Dreamt of wonderful moments
Despair became my new suffix
I created an insanely painful beast
Holding it alone inside unleashed

I tried to reach the distant hand
But just as a guilty sky and sand
It broke away following the wind …
That cursed my fate.
“I won’t cry”, that’s what I said,
Tears dried out …
The heart wept the endless scars

It was a wonderful lively garden
It’s a sinful deadly sensation
It will be the bed of fade emotion
I was following a firefly in winter,
Sole soul waiting for a moon
To lit up my path, to guide me
To the guilty stars, just fell
Leaving the freezing emptiness
I can’t fly again, nor see the fall
With one broken wing